
Corporate Headquarters

1400 Greenmount Ave.

Suites C9-10

Open Works Building

Baltimore, MD 21202


​First Line Strategies Unlimited

Helping Today. Helping Tommorow

First Line Strategies Unlimited, Inc. a State of Maryland 501 (3) nonprofit organization was designed as supportive services outreach program, offering young men and women between the ages of 18 to 24 years returning citizen encouragement with and the necessary support to take stock of the life experiences that have propelled them into criminal activity for their criminal behavior having a life-long patterns of violence and addiction, and remove treatment barriers for individuals actively seeking recovery from substance use and mental health disorders through supervised related supportive services.”

Youth and Adult Returning Citizens Development & Leadership Program

  • Assisting youth male, young women and adults returning citizens with development and Leadership programs.

  • Assisting with linkages to job training, employment, and placement programs

  • Assist in life skills programs such as financial counseling and other financial services

  • Assist in community development partnerships linkage to health care providers, mental health education, and preventive/intervention programs health programs and much more.


More then 345 000+
People Were Helped

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